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Paymaster machine.

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Office Antiques48 of 1911COMPTOMETER machine coverPaymaster Series 8000 Ribbon Check Writer
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1334 items)

    Paymaster machine. Canadian series. X-550The paymaster corp. 1811 Winnemac Ave Chicago, Illinois 60640 USA.

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    1. keramikos, 3 years ago
      charmsomeone, Cool. :-)

      Boy, when I ever saw those patent numbers listed on the back (2697981, 2707432,
      2826140, and 2928336), I thought I'd hit some serious patent pay dirt.

      Well, apparently the subtleties of the Canadian patent database escape me, because none of them turned up anything similar to a Paymaster machine.

      I won't bore you with all of them, but the first one was interesting, because it turned out to be for a Blackberry. Yes, that Blackberry:

      So, back to the drawing board. I did a key word search, and that was more promising. I figure one of these is close, anyway:

      Here's the real deal:

      Then there's this:

      Which the vendor described as a "Paymaster Series X-550 Cash Register" (um, no), but fortunately, this one has a USPTO patent on it (2697981), so:

      At Last · Etta James
    2. keramikos, 3 years ago
      Well, if I'd started off with the USPTO, I would already be home. So to speak. };-)

      Those patents listed on your machine are all US patents, grant dates ranging from 1954 to 1960:

      Still, I hadn't gone fishing in the Canadian patent database, I wouldn't have caught the patent for the Blackberry "METHOD, SYSTEM AND MOBILE DEVICE FOR IMPLEMENTING A SERVERLESS PRESENCE SYSTEM."

      Man, that's a mouthful.

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