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FODECO VIEWER NEGATIVE FILE, stuffed full of old treasure??

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Recent Activity24 of 183What in The Sam Hill is going on ,,no  deposit no return Postcard San Diego to La Jolla Motorcar Circa 1910
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    This metal file box looked interesting at a glance, then seemed a little heavy for its size. Turns out that it is a FODECO Model No. 166 VIEWER NEGATIVE FILE -- inside the lid seems to be an illuminated panel that could be used to inspect photographic film negatives, which are intended to be held securely in its bottom part that's fitted with dividers.

    Yup -- that's a kinda cool thing -- I've never seen one of them before. Nicely made thing, it looks like?! BUT WAIT --

    The potentially FUNNEST PART might be what the box is indeed stuffed full of. The paper label taped to its cover includes 'negatives of RR fan trips' and 'old snapshots postcards' on its list of what's apparently in there -- I've only barely glanced at the contents myself, but the front half+ does appear to be white envelopes with handwritten railroad names/places containing photo negatives, the back part is bunches of printed envelopes that seem to be old postcard folios from tourist locations, (places with trains?) and lots of loose photographs inbetween -- indeed nearly everything I've glanced at in there DOES seem to have some kind of railroad subject matter to it.

    Pic 3 shows a handful of the postcard packets, pic 4 is representative of what the white envelopes are like. I predict its gonna take a little while to really look through all this in order to find out what's *really* in there -- first glances, anyway, would suggest it might be LOTS of fun to do so -- stay tuned for further updates! :-) ;-) :-) ;-) :-)

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 3 years ago
      Cool box..and bonus with contents. Now find that Beatles photo and retire...
    2. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      No telling what will turn up!!
    3. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 2 years ago
      Great find!! I was stationed at Fort Carson Colorado Springs in 65 went to those places. Remember we had a snowball fight on top of Pikes Peak with girls we where with on July 4th weekend!!!

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