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Loetz , Powolny design (form and decoration) for Lobmeyr, PN III-928, ca. 1918

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (649 items)

    Loetz Bowl PN III-928, ca. 1918
    Form and Decor by Michael Powolny for Lobmeyr
    According to the pattern notes - Crystal ground, applied rim, turned blue (or dark blue) stripes, dark blue applied foot.
    Around 1918, J&L Lobmeyr had designs by Viennese artist Michael Powolny executed at the Loetz factory in various shapes, sizes, and decorations. This bowl was part of that series. Loetz was only allowed to produce (and not sell) these models. (see Loetz Bohemian Glass 1880-1940, Cantz publishers)

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    1. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 3 years ago
      A beauty! I haven't seen one like it before!
    2. Wow22, 3 years ago
      New one for me too!
    3. Loetzforever Loetzforever, 3 years ago
      Unbelievable! I've never seen this bowl before.
      Very beautiful and rare piece, a real asset to your collection.
    4. apostata apostata, 3 years ago
      very nice looks like a mezza filligrana, well done
    5. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 3 years ago
      You have a great eye. Few would know who made this bowl. Congratulations!

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