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Loetz PN II-2/177 shades in variations of decor and shape

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (95 items)

    While working on re-wiring a lamp, I realized I hadn't posted a pic of the shade before. This lead me down the rabbit hole of picking out various shades that were similar.

    The instigator of all this is a candia shade in Spiraloptisch with PG 2/177-like threading. The threads are in candia silberiris and pinched together at regular intervals. The shade has the classic shape of a PN II-2/177 with the novel addition of 8 ruffles on the rim.

    So, shown above are the 3 Amigos, as I call them. 1) is the trio for comparison. 2) is the standard PG II-2/177. 3) is an opal with blau and silber and coarse white marvered threads. 4) is the Spiraloptisch shade with 8 ruffles.

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    1. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 3 years ago
      What a wonderful and interesting collection of shades in a similar shape. I love this type of collection that shows off shape and decor variations. Thank for sharing. Congratulations.
    2. Loetzforever Loetzforever, 3 years ago
      I particularly like the spiral-optic lampshade. Very nice collection.
    3. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 3 years ago
      My goodness, what a beautiful trio!! They are all really stunning.
    4. Sammyz Sammyz, 3 years ago
      Thanks Michelle! Thanks Loetzforever and Deb! Glad you enjoyed seeing them.

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