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Mundane Musty Moldy Matchbox Monday MB 30 Ford Prefect 1957 to 1960

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (3478 items)

    Released in 1957 this is a fairly early model. In fact it was the first MB 30 in the catalog. It had grey gobby wheels and there were no variations, aside from perhaps factory errors, during its production through 1960.
    The actual vehicle was upgraded version of the Ford Anglica. Had a bit better trim and so on. The car had a top speed of 71 mph and went from 2-60 in 32 seconds. Could go even faster if someone got out and pushed.
    As an early model it is pretty basic. It is basically a body on a base. But it is well detailed and has painted taillights and a painted grill.
    Got another golden oldie for next week so stay tuned for that.

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    1. rancherswife rancherswife, 3 years ago
      I like it! What’s the scale? Pretty neat history.
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 3 years ago
      I love this one!! Never seen one before now.
    3. fortapache fortapache, 3 years ago
      Thank you very much rancherswife. It is 1/71 scale.

      Thank you very much Scott. First one I saw in person.
    4. rancherswife rancherswife, 3 years ago
      fortapache, that scale is quite a bit smaller than appearance from my end, but nonetheless a cool piece with a cool background!

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