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MPC Prehistoric Animals Cereal Premiums Late 1960s Early 70s.

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (3478 items)

    Still yet another batch of MPC Prehistoric Animals. Again these are almost all copies of Marx figures aside from Macrauchenia with the droopy nose. Got some unusual colors such as the orange Styrachiosaurus. Alxo some green ones like Dimetrodon. There are three here that came on a card, the others are cereal premiums. The metalic blue Macrauchenia and Parasaurolophus along with the red Struthimithicus (or something like that) are from the carded sets. All the others were cereal premiums and I think these were good ones.
    I may have all the 24 prehistoric animals MPC made. I will have to get them all together for a photo shoot.

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    1. elanski elanski, 3 years ago
      What a colourful herd of dinos
    2. fortapache fortapache, 3 years ago
      Thank you very much elanski.

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