Posted 3 years ago
(1197 items)
This pottery cup is 6.25" high x 4" top diameter x 3.5" bottom diameter. When I saw it I thought "Ah! student pottery project!" but then I saw the chatty inscriptions on the bottom and thought it might be more than that. I cannot make sense of the writing. Wondering if the writing in image #3 might be "W.... P. C." (Pottery Company)? Not sure of the other inscription, might be a name L...... K........? The penciled "10" may be a price?
Another Goodwill find. My total was $6 with about $.60 donation to round it up, veteran's discount and I bought a Japanese porcelain bowl, too, so guessing I have about $2 into this.
Thanks vcal, dav2no1, sherrilou, Jenni, jscott0363, Vynil33rpm, Cisum, fortapache and collectorpaul!
Thanks Kevin!
Thanks Kevin and PhilDMorris!