Posted 3 years ago
(95 items)
This one is an RCA console ,model 8K. It has 8 tubes with three bands
It was in poor shape when I got it,but after the time consuming stripping, and prepping the cabinet,
it came out OK.
I had to change all the capacitors and add a new green tuning eye. The cabinet was a lot darker when I got it.
It seems like back in the 30s they liked the furniture to be a lot darker and not much of the wood grain showed.
This model has very nice wood grain which shows off quite well.
Enjoy the photos.
Dan In Calgary
Nice job. I like to see the wood grain too..
Knew someone who found this style radio that was gutted in a junk store and turned it into a hidden cabinet. Still looks like a radio, just holds his liquor bottles now.