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Backyard Texaco under construction update #2!

Designer's loves204 of 32551938 Coca-Cola embossed tin sign from American Art Works Inc. Coshocton, OhioPRECISION TIRE PRESSURE GAUGE - Made in USA
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (431 items)

    Here is where my backyard Texaco currently stands. All of it has been painted now. The lights were installed today and they are solar and came from tractor supply marked down. To the best of my abilities I built a bay door and doors for the restrooms on the end. The side that faces the woods will be left alone for now. I have door knobs and face plates for the bathroom doors. It will really start looking like a texaco when I get the signs and letters up. 2 more colors will be introduced and they are red and black.


    1. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 2 years ago
      Nice , you can trust your , car to the man who wears the star
    2. Cokeman1959, 2 years ago
      Thanks everyone for stopping by and looking and loving.Preciate yall! Ed, something to be said about them stars!:)
    3. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 2 years ago
      Wow, that’s lookin’ good!
    4. Cokeman1959, 2 years ago
      Thanks Watch! Slowly but surely the outside is coming together. I hope by the end of this week I will have it with the signs and such on it and the canopy at the end of the ramp put up and then I can start on the inside. APPRECIATE you!
    5. Cokeman1959, 2 years ago
      Here is the latest on the backyard Texaco. I thought I would finish today but this side took longer than expected. By the time you space things out and measure and touch-up paint it just takes a while. Proud of what I got done and we are getting there:) Stayed tuned!
    6. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      Looking good..
    7. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 2 years ago
      I love the new signage: Lubritorium tickled my funny bone. ;^D
    8. Cokeman1959, 2 years ago
      Thanks dav2no1 and Watch for your comments! Thanks Ed and Anything for loving!
    9. Cokeman1959, 2 years ago
      Update #3.......Here is a view from my kitchen window and a view of the front end at the roll-up door. Still under construction but some good progress made.
    10. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 2 years ago
      Now you’re REALLY making me jealous!!
      Show us the rest of that camper…..have you been holding out on us?!
    11. Coke1234 Coke1234, 2 years ago
      Now all you need is a coke machine and a few Texaco gas pumps.
    12. Cokeman1959, 2 years ago
      COKE1234....Been looking but none has fit my pocket book yet:). Thanks for looking and loving!
    13. BlindSquirrel, 2 years ago
      What Watchsearcher said, the Lubritorium is fantastic but there's a camper there begging to be seen! How about giving it some love to? Photos please!

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