Posted 2 years ago
(845 items)
Hamm's Beer Can Openers
Here's a pair of Hamm's beer can openers I picked up today. One had some corrosion...I polished it up so you could see the wording better.
"Hamm's Beer" & " Specially designed for Hamm's Easy-open aluminum tops"
"Hamm's Beer Refreshing as the land of sky bluewater" & "EMRO USA THEO HAMM BRG CO ST PAUL,MINN & SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF"
Before pull tab beer beer cans, they had a flat top and you had to pierce the top with a can opener. They started with a steel can with a steel top, then started using an aluminum top that was easier to pierce.
One interesting fact..Hamm's beer cans had blue writing on top to indicate a 3.2% beer and red writing to indicate a strong 6% beer
In 1865, Theodore Hamm, a German immigrant founded the Theodore Hamm Brewing Company. He had inherited the Excelsior Brewery from his friend and business associate, A. F. Keller. Keller had constructed his brewery over artesian wells in a section of the Phalen Creek valley in St. Paul, Minnesota known as Swede Hollow.
***Link to Hamm's Beer history..
An interesting video showing a chronological timeline of Hamm's beer cans, including promos and a rare WW2 era can that was produced with a non reflective finish for drinking without being seen.
dav2no1, Cool. :-)
You MUST have the bear and the theme song:
1952 - Hamm's Beer
Even more famous was the Hamm's Beer bear. The bear was incorporated into the first campaign produced by the Campbell-Mithun advertising agency, which sought to emphasized the supposedly superior cleanliness and naturality of Hamm's beer owing to its clear water and production in pristine Minnesota, the "enchanted Northland." The first television commercial depicted animated beavers beating their tails to the tom-tom beat of the jingle, as well as live action shots of the forests and lakes of the "enchanted Northland." The second, produced in 1952, introduced the clumsy dancing black-and-white cartoon "Beer Bear," actually named "Sascha," which proved so popular it was used for the next three decades.
The full lyrics:
About the melody and rhythm:
Borrowing its melody from Rudolf Friml’s “Natoma” and boasting a propulsive tom-tom beat, the theme sang cheerfully of Hamm’s place of origin. In rhymed couplets parodying Longfellow’s “Song of Hiawatha,” the jingle went as follows: “From the land of sky-blue waters, from the land of pines, lofty balsams, comes the beer refreshing, Hamm’s the beer refreshing.” Once heard, the theme could not be forgotten. Interestingly, although the drum beat behind the melody sounds Native American, its source of origin is further south than that: Advertiser Ray Mithun based it on recordings of Haitian voodoo drumming, and the rhythm was actually beaten out on an empty carton of Star-Kist tuna cans.
Although that commercial was before my time, I do remember seeing it. Always loved the bear and the jingle.
Well, I'm only slightly younger than dirt, but that first Hamm's commercial with the bear animation was before my time, too. };-)
Yeah, who didn't love the Hamm's bear?
Per this source, that first Hamm's animated bear commercial is actually from 1953:
This child of Minnesota has some Hamm's commercials with the bear, including this one from 1979:
Hamm's Beer Commercial Land of Sky Blue Waters 1979
This is the first Hamm's commercial I ever remember seeing as a kid in 1979 so this one for sure needs to be on the list
This museum offers a collection of Hamm's commercials on DVD for sale:
D7 – Theo. Hamm’s Beer Commercials - 58 selections, 48 minutes: A variety of Theo. Hamm’s Brewing Company beer commercials from the 1950’s – 1970’s. All Hamm’s commercials, approximately forty with the bear.
Interesting..that one at the end say sky beer waters?
Ha! Good catch. };-)
It also name-checks this blog as the source (which looks like the blog of the YouTube video poster, "Dave"):
I also found it interesting while researching that, in 1983 Pabst purchased Hamm's Beer and Olympia Beer. Their slogan was. "It's the water"
Olympia is about 45 to an hour south of me(the city) where they used to be brewed(actually tumwater). Now brewed in Las no artesian water..false advertising.
Aw. :-(
Yeah, the big beer outfits buy up the little beer makers, and don't care.
This probably isn't up to the minute as to who owns whom, because it was done in 2016, but you get the general drift: