Posted 2 years ago
(3472 items)
This weeks antiquish thing is actually an antique (probably). This is a graniteware ladle in a brown and white mix which is an unusual color. The standard is blur=e and white. These were popular around the turn of the century give or take 20 years or as Lincoln would say a score.
Graniteware was the original non-stick cookware. It is a glass coating. Easy to clean but easy to damage as any ding will cause the glass coating to break. I call those beauty marks. No beauty marks and it is probably new. This ladle would probably be used for soup, beans or stew. Stews were big back then especially before 1900. Here is what there is, throw it in the pot and there you go.
Great for serving up some Hotch Potch. Had to go back and look at my replica 'bill of fare' to find that
Thank you very much Dave. This would go well with the calves head soup.