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Route 66 Cruisin' Reunion Random Cars and Stuff

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Cars38 of 17671933 Specialized Auto Radio Manual Volume 1Two Very Rare Classic Dodge Cars
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3476 items)

    I was going to take the night off but we are post impaired so here goes.
    Starting off with a 1950s Plymouth. Not something you see often.
    Next a pre Tri 5 Chevy from the famed Felix Chevrolet. I have got to get a photo of their sign sometime. It's actually a small dealership but the most famous in the Greater Los Angeles area.
    Number 3 is Packard from the mid 1930s. Luxury action.
    Wrapping it up a Chevrolet Truck circa 1950. Sadly a bit backlit on the front. My bad.

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