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Morty Milton Marine Matchbox Monday MB-45 Ford Corsair in E Box 1969

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Matchbox Cars81 of 655Maximum or Maybe Median Matchbox Monday KW-Dart Dump Truck KIng Size K-2 With Box!Much More Modern Matchbox Monday Super Kings K-68 Dodge Monaco And Trailer 1979
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3475 items)

    This is another I picked up just for the box. This is the F Style box sold only in 1969. But a nice extra is that the model is dead mint and the rack still has a piece of the sprue on it. Originally the boat and the roof rack would be on a sprue and the pieces would need to be snipped off. But the original owner left a bit on the rack or perhaps it came that way from the factory.
    The Ford Corair was sold from 1965 through 1969 but as I mentioned earlier this box style was only sold in 1969. The model is a bit primitive for a model from this time period with no opening parts and it was a bit smaller than other model from that time. But the boat makes up for that and adds to the play value. Plus it has the usual trailer hook for your caravanning pleasure. That and going camping.

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