Posted 2 years ago
(845 items)
A Special Birthday Gift For A Friend
When I turned 50, my close friends gave me a cane and an old man crossing sign as gag gifts. I always remembered that. So last night we had a surprise birthday party for my friend Brian's wife. I've been friends with Brian for over 30 years and have know his wife Dawn for almost as long.
Since Dawn was turning 50, I thought it would be funny to give her this cane that belonged to my mother. Mom had only used it a handful of times.
But I had an idea..her step dad is Jr Nelson, who also happens to be a "Washington State Hot Rod Hall of Fame" member and master pinstriper.
He agreed and created this unique piece of artwork. Now my mother's memory lives on in this artwork. And Dawn has a unique piece of artwork by Jr.
Jr Nelson
Jr is an icon in the pacific northwest area. Jr has been pinstriping since the late 60s. He's had the opportunity to meet many cool car people along the way including Von Dutch, Ed Roth, Gene Winfield and many more. In the comments I'll include an old interview of him. Check out the cool autographs he has in the trunk of his personal hot rod.
Jr Nelson...Check out the cool autographs he has in the trunk if his personal hot rod.