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billretirecoll's loves54 of 1304Small hatchetTonka Smokey Bear from Camping Set 1973
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (593 items)

    These are some of my Finds, from the past Two Weekends at the Flea Market! Top Left Corner is a Leather and Vinyl Steam Punk Flyers Cap, next the metal Hand is Not a Latex Glove Mold, but just a Store Display piece, and on the wrist is a very Cool Blue Acrylic and silver metal bead Bracelet, I could even get it on! :^D The Sause Spoons, large is Wm. A Rogers A1 small is National Silver Plate, and Butter Knife is Community Plate, I just Liked them and nice Serving Pieces for a Big Meal! The gold Flower Brooch is Monet, as is the gold Swirl of Reeds Brooch, and the gold Brooch with the large White Plastic teardrop, is GEORGIOU 5 MILS. The Silver and Black Acrylic clip Bracelet is a Beautiful Crown Trifari, and the Floating Silver and Lapis Heart is marked AG over 925 over CV, and it's, chain is marked 925! The gold, and Rhinestone Holiday Wreath Brooch, and Ribbon Brooch, aren't marked, as the gold and Acrylic Shrimp Brooch, but it may be an unmarked Hattie Carnegie piece! The Fun Black metal Dragon Ear Cuff also unmarked! The Porcelain Ferret with Egg is Lomonosov, made in Russia, and the Hand-Blown Glass Paperweight is marked S. (Steve) Smyers 475 made in Benicia, California!
    Is That Everything? :^D

    Thank You for Looking, all comments on this Post are Welcome and Appreciated! Bill :^)

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    1. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 2 years ago
      especially the ferret and the paper weight!
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      You have a good eye.. I too like the ferret and paperweight but would also include the would go good with my creepy wooden hand displays..ha ha
    3. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 2 years ago
      Nice haul. Mr. BiLL
    4. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 2 years ago
      Thank You BHIFOS, for Your Comment, Stephen Smyers Glass was open in 1971 in Benecia, just across the Martinez/Benecia Bridge from me in Bay Point, California, he was the first Glass Blowing Studio to open there, and after 46yrs his love turned to Turning Wood, making Beautiful Bowls! The Studio is now Closed like nearly, if not all of the Glass Blowing Studios in Benecia, California! I like the Ferret too! :^D

      Thanks, dav2no1, I have several Glove Molds, made of Copper, or Porcelain, but this new Display Hand, is metal with an enamel coating, making it look like Copper! It's always nice to get a comment from You! :^D

      Hey Vynil, thanks, sometimes I do get a little lucky! :^D

      Thank you all for the love given, BHIFOS, Brian, dav2no1, Kevin, and Vynil, it's appreciated! Bill :^)
    5. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 2 years ago
      Thank You Kevin(kwqd) and Pascale for the Love that You gave, it's very nice of the both of You, and appreciated! :^D
      Pascale, I was just talking with Valentino(Mary) and I said that I got this nice
      Flying Mallard Duck Brooch, but it needed a little Kyratizing to bring the color of it back! So now I have to do that and Post it! Bill :^)

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