Posted 2 years ago
(3475 items)
A pair of large anthropoids or whatever these are called. They are not insects whatever they are.
Whoa whoa whoa! The camel spider isn't a spider. it is a part of the solifugae family which I believe include scorpions. You can see what looks like fangs are actually legs and I think I can see a vestigial stinger. The leg span is 6" so this is as large as they get.
The desert scorpion is actually an Emperor Scorpion. Yes it is I just looked it up. This one is 6" long. People keep them as pets. Apparently the sting is like a bee sting but I don't care for bee stings myself. They live 6-8 years so not a bad investment.
Last photo has an iron in it for size comparison.
Armed and extremely dangerous! Would the bee sting like bite be a deadly one
I’ve never stepped on an insect for fear it will run up my leg….so I know for sure your camel spider and giant scorpion would never have one last vision of my shoe sole coming at them. ;^)
I’d be running in the other direction!
I’m giving them a love since they are sealed under glass.
You just brought up another Nam memory again funny
Ash and I spent the night drinking and playing cards at the base EM Club
Got back to the hooch 4 sheets too the wind!! I got into my sleeping bag
and felt a very sharp pain in my ankle, thought I was having a cramp!! Shook out my bag and a scorpion dropped out!! Killed it with My Boot,then I woke up Ash and told him what happened and he said smoke a cigarette!! That's about All the time you got Left !! He went back to sleep and I lit a Lucky.
True Story. The sting is a little more then a bee. But your right It doesn't kill.
Jeez that is one big ol spider
Thank you very much Newfld.
Thank you very much Watchsearcher. And thank you for not squishing them.
Thank you very much stuff. Thank for backing up the bee sting thing.
And thank you very much elanski.
As desert dwellers, camel spiders deal with hot temperatures. One common way they avoid the sun is by seeking shade! This can lead them to follow humans around, who think they are being chased.
I really love this kind of stuff :)
Thank you very much Falcon. Sounds like fun.
Thank you very much vintagelamp.