Posted 2 years ago
(938 items)
We’ve had these license plates and voting advertisements for a long time finally took a min on Christmas Eve to hang them on a small vacant wall in the new E Center we hope to finally open sometime next Spring. I’m old enough to remember very well when Ike (Dwight Eisenhower) ran for President against Stevenson. I got these ad plates that are nos from a lady who saw my trailer full of collectors junk while we were traveling across nowhere Wyoming. She saw my ph. Number on our trailer and called me. Surprise! I found a little gold!
Merry Christmas to all! How blessed we are to be living in America!
Merry Christmas! Is that it? I figured you would have a pile of license plates?
Blessed, indeed! Thank God we’re in the USA.
Merry Christmas!
I don’t collect license plates. I had a couple of big boxes of them back in the 70s when I was restoring antique cars but can’t seem to find them. Porcelain is my thing
Merry Christmas !!!