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Can someone help me identify this knife?

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Fixed Blade Knives25 of 794BayonetsAre these older or are they reproductions of an older model
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (1 item)

    I picked up this knife recently from an antique dealer, he didn’t know much if anything about it except that it looks like it has a rhino horn handle. The white tip on the sheath seems to be made of ivory or some kind of bone. There is only 1 marking on the knife which a helpful redditor identified as a knights helmet, also that it seems to be a Misericorde-Stiletto type dagger. The blade is dull like a letter opener. It was purchased in the Netherlands but I am not sure of its origin. If someone could identify this that would be amazing, Im very curious where it came from and how old it is.

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 2 years ago
      Has a Spanish feel to me, but that's nothing concrete.
    2. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      How long is it, in total, and how long is the blade?

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