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Marvelous Mighty <Muscle Matchbox Monday MB No. 8 Mustang Fastback 1967-1969

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3478 items)

    I believe this is based on the 1965 Mustang but it could be 1966. Also there is some debate as to if this model was introduced in 1966 or 1967. I am thinking late 66 myself.
    Now the big feature on this one is the steering. There is a lever on the left side to turn the wheels. Back for a left turn on forward for a right. This model was the only one to have this feature. It was abandoned for Auto Steer which was not visible like the level sticking out of the side of this model. And yes it has a trailer hitch. Adds some play value to it.
    In 1969 the wheels were switched to Superfast and at some point it turned red. Even later it had an exposed engine with a blower like the Hot Wheels Spoilers series.
    Please note as of this time it is still Monday here.

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      I don't recall seeing this one..pretty cool. As soon as I saw it, I was like ..what is that thing on the side?
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 2 years ago
      Very cool fastback tang!!
    3. fortapache fortapache, 2 years ago
      Thank you very much Dave. Don't forget the trailer hook.

      And thank you very much Scott.

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