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A Sparton console model 98.

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (95 items)

    This is a Sparton model 98. with nine tubes. I picked it up a few years ago and it was in bad shape as far as the cabinet was concerned, but it did come out very nice. I put in a new 6E5 eye tube, and it really makes the difference.
    The dial is a mirror which Sparton used a quite a bit. It is an unusual style with the grill bars situated as they are , but very appealing.

    This one went to a person who really liked the radio style , and I don't blame them.
    I have never seen another one of these , but if I do I will get it and restore it.
    I restore these radios as a hobby and hope that other people will enjoy them as much as I have.
    It keeps the past alive for those who have never seen and antique radio especially one that works well.
    Dan in Calgary

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    1. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 2 years ago
      Great ,,,, I did always love the glowing green eye tubes Signal strength
      I have a smaller with a glowing eye

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