Posted 2 years ago
(259 items)
1955 Chev Nomad .... Getting Spring Fever :)
Checking out the project up at the northern garage this week.
Bled the brakes today.
I haven't had it out for six years now.
This spring .... I will be cruising down the highway with it.
I put away the stock wheels and rims for now as I'm not a big fan of bias ply wheels when traveling any distance.
I can't wait for this winter to be over :)
Thanks Much for looking at my Post!!
Not many Nomads left out there. This one's a Beauty!!
It is beautiful. Probably the best color scheme.
Woohoo! I know you’ll get plenty of envious gawkers!
"Bitchen" I also Love the Color! "Great Memories"!!
Can't wait for some sunshine to go cruising..
Gorgeous Chevy classic, beautiful color
Thanks Much to jscott0363, fortapache, Watchsearcher, Izenglish, dav2n01, and Newfld for the great comments! I sincerely appreciate them! :)
It looks straight out of the production line, this one is a real beauty to see !~
Thank You PhilDMorris for the kind comment :)
show me an SUV that looks better than this Nomad...nope
Ha! Funny EJW-54.
I agree with you.....
Nice Old Chevy
1956 is my favorite year But 1955 is a close second place winner for a NOMAD
That's Nice.