Posted 2 years ago
(3478 items)
An exciting find from today's fabulous fleas. I had not seen this one before and it is a beautiful mint model.
The Shand-Mason Horse-Drawn Fire Engine was made from 1960 through 1965. I think the box is from the later years of the run but not exactly sure when. Information on the Yesteryear boxes is a bit inexact.
Apparently this is some sort of steam operated fire pumper. Many of the older Yesteryears involved steam power. There were even a couple locomotives in the line. The brass piece is the steam engine on this one.
Got a big haul today. Plenty more to share in the next week or two so be sure to stay tuned to this website.
Terrific horse drawn fire engine, I can picture it speeding down Baker Street past Sherlock Holmes' office!
Newfld I loved your comment, what an imagination.... the truth had never seen one of these with vehicles from the past, thanks.
Thank you very much Newfld. I can hear the cockney accents.
Thank you very much kivatinitz.
Love it. Very unusual
And thank you very much elanski.