Posted 2 years ago
(3472 items)
I had a big Marx Toys weekend and this was the highlight. It is the last of the Marx Fort Apache playsets. This onme is known for iot's blockhouse which is unique to this set. The blockhouse is pretty cool and I will have to do another post for it
The soldiers and Indians are also different colors in this case dark blue and orange. They are opposites on the color wheel. Previous figures were flatter in color.
The set is almost complete. It is missing the flag pole but I found a substitute.
These sets must have been good for keeping kids busy. It took over an hour for me to set it up. Needs more Indians.
A great set. Did they sell wigwams for the Indians? to make an Indian village on the other side of your bedroom floor?
Very exciting set up with wonderful positioning of the soldiers and attacking Indians
Thank you very much elanski. They didn't have an Indian village set but they sold the Indians separately. Usually every fort set came with a teepee/wigwam.
And thank you very much Newfld.
Awesome fort!!!
Thank you very much jscott.