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1962 - 1964 Coleman Compact Stove

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (167 items)

    I bought this many years ago and never used it. I thought it was a cool old camping stove. Turns out it is a RARE short run 2 burner camp stove. I looked online and not a valuable $$ piece but I Like It.
    It has standard burner set up BIG Primary and Small secondary and 2 control knobs. These are put into a small case , no hinge grate and legs that raise it off the ground / table etc when in use. For travel the red legs simply fold over the top and hold it all together. No latches to contend with. Genius design that likely cost 2 much for mass production , here is your 1 choice mind set.

    I have never seen another of these in person.

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    1. Falcon61, 2 years ago
      Simple and no frills.... I may have to find one of these at an upcoming auction or estate sale.
      "Another Quality Product by the Makers of the World Famous Colman Lanterns".... I believe that was their slogan.
    2. wickencrafts wickencrafts, 2 years ago
      The FALCON Strikes Again GOOD DAY

      The price tag sticker on this one was for $10.00
      Happy stove hunting. Go check out the CCF Coleman Collector Forum. I found a gasket for this stove yesterday. $1.25 shipped to my house.. WOW
    3. wickencrafts wickencrafts, 2 years ago
      Thank You

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