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GI Joe 40th Anniversary Action Sailor Frogman 2004

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kivatinitz's loves1597 of 8827A Pink Flamingo and the Snow is Mostly GoneLötz, Update 2: on the late 1930s finishes. Three vases with applied ribbons.
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3478 items)

    2004 was the 40th anniversary of GI Joe and to celebrate Hasbro released almost exact copies of their original sets from 1964. .This one is one of the most prized as many of the original frogman suits had disintegrated. They are rubber and quite biodegradable. I had 2 suits that were completely lost by 2000.
    Now not only did the set come with a reproduction card but it also came with a figure in a reproduction box. I think the sets sold for $30-$35 in 2004 so they were quite a good buy. The quality was so good it lowered the value of the originals. Some collectors are still gnashing their teeth over that to this day. I am all good as I am buying both.
    Photos 3 and 4 are not from this one but the same thing. I think I will put this one down in the basement in cold storage in case thje other suits get dry rot and disintegrate.

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    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 2 years ago
      Nice score Fort. Wish I still had my GI Joe he had a footlocker case for all his gear too. Mine had the flocked hair so he was bald and his arms came off after a few tours of duty. :)
    2. fortapache fortapache, 2 years ago
      Thank you very much mike. Luckily I still have mine and then some.

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