Posted 2 years ago
(390 items)
Six months ago I posted this Empire windmill that I restored to its original beauty. I saw another one on the internet that had a fenced in yard around the structure and It looked good, so I went ahead and made a fence for mine. I just came back from a flea market where I purchased several articulate figures, so, I added one of the boys to the windmill. I am happy with the turnout and now you know the stupid way that I spend my free time.
P.S. if you don't remember, I added the little dog house type of structure to conceal the motor and 9 volt battery that powers the windmill blades and the pump. It works when you press the little button switch, located on the dog house structure.(The pump operates best if I use mineral oil instead of water in the pump reservoir).
That’s Very kooL , SkooL
Not so “stupid way” to spend your time! Look at the fantastic outcome. :-)
I admit I’ve spent a good bit of my own time prowling shop’s odds and ends, always on the lookout for teeny treasures of the correct scale and purpose for one of my dollhouses or for a future dollhouse.
I love it that your windmill and your engines and other machines actually work so they are educational as well as fun to see.
thank you Watchsearcher
Amazing works, looks awesome!