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Manly Materialistic Moving Matchbox Monday No. 23 b Berkeley Cavalier 1957

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3475 items)

    It was easy to narrow down the year on this one as it was only released in this color for one year, 1957. The hard part is figuring out if this is the 23a or 23b. The key is that little dot between the door and wheel on the left side. See photo #3. That is the baseplate fixing stud. On the 23a it is within the outline of the door. Both version have a "door" on each side although the right side door is in the rear.
    The model has metal wheels. Speaking of wheels there are variations of certain models based on the number of treads on the tires. I have not gotten there yet. Although I do get the gray/black variations.
    The next version of this caravan/trailer has an opening door which is usually missing. I have one around here someplace.

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