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Aurora Prehistoric Scenes Armored Dinosaur aka Ankylosaurs 1970s

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BHIFOS's loves2052 of 4973Multiple color vaseMary Ryan drawings, 1975
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3474 items)

    For those of us who have a favorite dinosaur that happens to be Ankylosaurus. Ankylosaurus was the last of the Ankylosaurs from the late Cretaceous period and one of the last of the dinosaurs. It was also one of the last heavy bone dinosaurs. Most of the dinos by then were closer to the birds with hollow bones. They were about 20-25 feet long and weighed almost 9 tons. Herbivores which means they were either they were very mellow or they could be rather aggressive.
    The model is a snap together kit but I glue most of the pieces. The legs all move as does the tail and head. I am not sure if the base is right. The flat part has the toe print from the Allosaurus and the volcano section does not much the photo I have seen from the instruction sheet that I have seen. But then I don't know which set the volcano goes to. I am thinking it may belong to the ankylosaurs. He seems to like it. Not sure I want to try and take it away from it.
    The model is over 11" long not counting the base so it is a fair sized model. But what would Gary Larson call the tail end?

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 2 years ago
      It's not a Thagomiser.

      Perhaps a Gogwhacker
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 2 years ago
      I always liked the armored guys the best Steg.,Tri., and this guy of course.
    3. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 2 years ago
      It's their Maraka for when they do the Copacabana song and dance!
    4. elanski elanski, 2 years ago
      Pretty neat. I would never have guessed it was a snap together, looks very well made
    5. fortapache fortapache, 2 years ago
      Thank you very much racer4four and that is acceptable.

      Thank you very much Mike.

      Thank you very much BHIFOS. Could be.

      And thank you very much elanski.
    6. fortapache fortapache, 2 years ago
      Please note the volcano belongs to the Allosaurus. The proper base will be coming soon.
    7. wickencrafts wickencrafts, 2 years ago

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