Posted 2 years ago
(348 items)
This is my Great-grandfather Paul Edward Fox who worked at a gold mining company in Placer County in Ca when he was in an accident and lost his life. He was born in Switzerland and lived in Colfax California at the time of his death.
What a sad story, of Your Great Grandfather's death Jeneric, but something from the past for Your Family History, that are often lost as time passes. Thank You for sharing Bill
What year was this? Sad story..
Very sad story.
It is sad but his son Clarence Fox my Grandfather went on to do great things. They were hard times back then but the resilience of my Great Grandmother to go on and raise my Grandpa on her own is amazing.
It was the early 1900's I think around 1904 or so.
He was 45 in 1904