Posted 2 years ago
(3468 items)
This is another figure that would generically be called a GI Joe. All 12" figures seemed to be called GI Joe even if they ate not. Anyway this is part of the Ultimate Soldier Villains Series.
This one is called Armed Terrorist. Looks like an old school terrorist from the 1970s where they would take over buildings or hijack airplanes. They would bully their hostages until an anti-terrorist unit would come through the windows and it would not go well for the terrorists. Well usually at least.
The terrorist here is armed with an AK47 with no stock an a shotgun also with no stock. Probably not the most practicable weaponry but with this figure it is about style. There is a holster for the shotgun and a nifty trench coat. This is my third villain I have at least one more to go.
Whaaat...I have a old ex police riot shot gun that looks just like My AK is a Mak90, so it does have a stock..
He's great, so intimidating - armed and extremely dangerous!
Bruce Willis would have had him sucked out the airplane's emergency door in short order as the passenger hung on for dear life... See ya ! B-bye :)
Thank you very much Dave. I had a shotgun like that. I named it Baby Boomer.
Thank you very much Newfld.
Thank you very much Mike. My Green Beret will take him out.