Posted 2 years ago
(649 items)
I have seen this decor only a handful of times over the years, usually with silver overlay that, with the one exception of a lovely one that Tony A. posted here almost ten years ago, obscures the decor in favor of fanciful sterling silver scrolls. This one shows off the decor, as intended, beautifully on a form designed by Hofstötter for the Paris Exposition. In fact, this decor is found on several Hofstötter forms, but not exclusively. The bluish combed and pulled threads contrast beautifully against the metallic yellow ground. The interior is also iridescent in shades of silver and blue. 5" tall x 6" wide. Signed very faintly Loetz Austria.
Hi Warren, the color name is lemon yellow? metallic yellow? Thanks
Yes, metallgelb, or metallic yellow. It appears darker because of the "innen Silber" iridescence, but after comparing it to my metallgelb PG 1/158, I am convinced that this is correct.