Posted 2 years ago
(259 items)
Orient Flume Paperweights
Out of Chico. CA
Picked up these pretty cool paperweights at a car show-swap meet.
You never know what will show up at a swap meet. I was actually looking for some locking lug nuts at the time.
These paperweights caught my eye AND the price was right.
I never did find a set of locking lug nuts at this particular swap meet. :)
Thanks Much for Looking at my Post!
I love these type of paperwights, I usually try to obtain ones that still will let most light through them, beautiful !~
These are beauties !
Gorgeous floral paperweight trio, so cool how the indented top makes it look like the flower is growing
Thank You PhilDMorris, mikelv85, and Newfld for the Appreciation and Nice Comments!
@ PhilDMorris... I'm with you on the light passing through look. It gives the paperweights a little extra :)
@ mikelv85.... Thanks! :)
@ Newfld.... excellent description! :)
Thanks All for the "Love It" Clicks :)