Posted 2 years ago
(3677 items)
The fabulous game of Cootie ,,I-was real sick when I was little 5 or 4
I drempt I was a Cootie ,,
I’m all Growed up and I’m just a Coot
But I can really be a hoot
Not on Halloween though
The Owls +There hoots
Because of that and all
Cute vintage Cootie game
Bringing back my childhood
I used to play that at my grandparents place in the long ago.
Wow ! I just picked one of these up on ebay a few weeks ago. The box I remember from my childhood was the red and yellow one with the cootie on the lid. My 4 year old grand-nephew loves playing this. I tell him this is what Uncle Mike played when he was little. The ancient plastic heads and bodies need regluing at times but not a big deal. Legs and parts don't stay on very well but we laugh and have so much fun ! Kids these days don't know what they're missing. :)
Cootie thanks to all
The GI's in the trenches during WWI played the first Cooties game!!
Yougotta havestuff wow GIs in World War I
I know bout coots