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Saturday Evening Scout Post Imperial Pocket 5 Blade Knife 1963

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Recent Activity1 of 262boy scout hatSaturday Evening Scout Post New Improved Steve Scout Display Part 1
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3481 items)

    Haven't found a Boy Scout knife for a bit and finally run across this in Long Beach. Spotted that circle with the eagle and fleur de lis.
    This one, made by Imperial, is small than most. It is 3 3/8" long with the blade closed and lacks the loop to connect to a lanyard or hook. Makes it perfect for the pocket. It is supposed to be a 5 blade knife but one broke off. It is the flathead screwdriver/can opener. Luckily the Phillips screwdriver is still there. Those tend to be more useful and less common in Boy Scout knives. The usually hard to open punch is easy to open on this one. No one seems to use that one.
    I have some neckerchiefs which with luck I will get to next week with the help of Cody.

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