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1968 Camaro

In Classic Cars > Show & Tell and Classic Cars > Chevrolet Camaro > Show & Tell.
Recent Activity1 of 171979 Pontiac Firebird REDBIRD Johnny Lightning "The first Chevrolet Camaro" in Gold (1967 Camaro)
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (259 items)

    1968 Camaro
    I have a place in my heart for the 67-69 Camaros as I had a '67 in high school.
    Picked up this 1968 in a quick sale.... just couldn't pass it up for the price.
    Not entirely original.... but.... nicely done.
    Equipped with a crate 383 and a Ford 9 inch rearend. which is very common to do with these old Camaros.
    Hmmmm.... Is that an old '55 Nomad in the gagage? :)

    Thanks Much for Looking at my Post!


    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 2 years ago
      Sweet ride Falcon61 ! Lucky you... and that does look a lot like the Nomad MacGyver inherited from his grandfather. :)
    2. DejaVu2 DejaVu2, 2 years ago
      What a sweet ride!! I too like those years of Camaro, also like the Z28's!
    3. Falcon61, 2 years ago
      Thank You mikelv85 and DejaVu2 for stopping by to leave some kind comments!
      I truly appreciate them!! :)
    4. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 2 years ago
      And i think I see the. Wagon in the background
    5. EJW-54 EJW-54, 2 years ago
      OMGosh! you found my camaro! lol does it have the head light doors ?

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