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Motley Mulch Material Matchbox Monday MB 15 Superfast Box 1969 through 1971

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3474 items)

    This post again features the box. I don't have the actual model that goes with the box although I do have the previous version seen in the last photo.
    I am thinking the box came from the later half of 1969. My usual source does not want to give me much information on this box. But it looks like a 1969 box to me. Later boxes had more graphic speed lines. This one is a bit more subtle. The blue top and bottom of the box shows how the car would go down the track. I prefer what they were doing with the regular wheels myself. In the neantime is it just me or is this a Love Bug rip-off?

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    1. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 2 years ago
      Watch out that Wolf guy doesn't try to buy it, will tell you it's worth $5 and sell it for $50 :)
    2. elanski elanski, 2 years ago
      Box and car look good. It does rather look like Herbie. Especially with the racing number on it. I should buy a Herbie for my VW Beetle collection. Which reminds me, I should post my VW Beetle collection.
    3. AmusedMedley AmusedMedley, 2 years ago
      What I love mist about CW are the fond memories that many items such as yours bring to mind..."Chitty-Chitty-Bang Bang" was a tradition on Holiday and matchbox was a fav for me and my childhood bestie!!!
    4. fortapache fortapache, 2 years ago
      Thank you very much BHIFOS. Luckily I know what it is worth.

      Thank you very much elanski. They saved money on Licensing by not quite making it Herbie.

      And thank you very much amused.

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