Posted 2 years ago
(593 items)
At the Flea Market, on Saturday, July 22nd, 2023, when I arrived, to the line of cars waiting to enter, it seemed like it was going to be another Beautiful Day, and when Keith, came walking back to greet me, like He often does, I rolled down my window, and asked How's it going? but the look on His face, answered me. Not Good . . . One of the Regular Flea Market Friends, that is there at Opening, like the rest of the 7 or 8 of Us looking for the first New Find, had Killed Himself, the Sunday night, Week past . . . and I sat there in disbelief, as the thought of How Beautiful the Day was just moments before now seemed gloomy, and as the line of cars started to move inside, I was thinking Why, He was older like the rest of us, aches and pains, a Wife at Home, A Daughter that He was so Proud of, and nothing seemed out of place the Sunday before, I said See Ya next Week, when I left, as He was walking towards His Car, for Home also!
We Stood, waiting for the Sellers to put their goods out, Talking about Our Friend now Gone, What could We have done? Did You notice anything? Why! How could have done That? To His Wife . . . Daughter . . . Us!
If You are, or Feel, depressed, Get Help, Talk about it to someone, Friend . . . Doctor . . . or Suicide, Hot-line
Take Care Everyone, Be Safe, and look for the signs, of depression, in Yourself, Friends or Loved Ones, and Get Help, Thanks, Bill
Thank You All, for reading my thoughts, and I know, it's hard to love/like a Post like this, and sometimes, all You really, are saying is I was Here, and my thoughts about this are with you, and Thank You, Friends are our Treasures also, Bill
billretirecoll, I'm so sorry. How sad and awful. :-(
Such a tragedy. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Your a good man Mr.Bill
Permanent solution to a temporary problem...never a good thing.
Well said Mr. Dave
Oh, what a wonder!!! Beautiful sunrise!!