Posted 2 years ago
(1232 items)
Today's find from H for H Restore. A 10 oz. Sun Crest soda bottle. Just thought it was extra cool because it was being used as a laundry sprinkler. The aluminum sprinklers cork still seals fairly well but there's a small dent in it's top. I probably could push it out with a pencil through the opening but I'll leave well enough alone. I took the pictures before I rinsed it out but it did come out sparkly clean. There's even a bit of iridescence to the pattern in the glass when the light hits it just right. -Mike-
Thanks for the "love" kev123 :)
Thanks for the"love" Falcon61 :)
Thanks for the "loves" Vynil33rpm, Kevin, collectorpaul, and dav2no1 :)
My mother used to sprinkle the clean clothes with water using a device like this….then roll the clothes up to stay damp till it was their turn to get ironed.
Clever use for this vintage bottle, cool find
Thanks for the "loves" and comments Watchsearcher and Jenni :) My mom used one of these as well but ours was a coke bottle which was her bevereage of choice.:)
Thanks all for the"loves" DejaVu2, kwqd, Fort, and vcal :)
Thanks for the"love" Cisum :)
Thanks for the"loves" Drake47, Leelani, and Reise :)
Thanks for the"love" yougottahavestuff :)
Thanks for the "love" Sean :)