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Marx Disneykin Bambi In Box 1961

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Disney Collectibles28 of 726Marx Dewey Disneykin 1961 Plus Cookie and CrackersVintage Disney Dwarf Salt/Pepper Shakers ( #2 )
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3473 items)

    I already had a Bambi but I upgraded to a Bambi with a box. The Disneykin series started in 1961 and were sold through the 1960s and into the early 70s. These a re rather small this one about an inch square, the figure not the box. This one also has the sticker on the backside identifying it as a Marx toy. In the last photo I have it with its fellow disneykins along with a Disney park princess in the lower left corner. Have another exciting Disneykin coming next week so stay tuned for that.
    Note that this is a crossover collectible. Marx toy collectors and Disney collectors would be interested in this.

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