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Vintage Hand Quilted Red / White Whirling Log / Swastika Quilt

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (39 items)

    I bought this hand quilted embroidered quilt at an estate sale in Denver, Co. I was curious if anyone had an idea of the date of possible construction and pattern. I've seen others called whirling log which was until WW 2 used by the Navajo Indians for their blanket, saddle, and rugs. If anyone out there is a antique quilt lover any and all information regarding my quilt would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 2 years ago
      Check for quilting groups/organizations in your area….they might shed light on it’s age.
      Judging by the nursery rhyme themes of the embroidery, I can only surmise it was made for a small child.
      Check the borders carefully for a maker’s name and date. Wouldn’t that be wonderful!
      Every quilt I’ve ever made has my name and date stitched into it, plus, I make photos to keep in a small album with an explanation of why it was made/who it was made for….hoping that after I’m dead and gone, someone will appreciate the work and maybe remember me.

      Can you give us a picture of the back of the quilt? Some clues to age might be there in the type of fabric used and the quilting stitches. Also, look closely at all the seams to see if they are hand stitched or machine stitched.
      Vintage “ladies’ magazines” sometimes included patterns for quilts….there may have been traceable or iron-on patterns for all the embroidery designs.
      Besides that possibly, there may have been fabric pre-stamped with the designs that could have been bought by the yard…..I think that’s a likely scenario.
      I’m also thinking the quilt is Pre-WWII since the design “whirling logs” would not be popular during or after WWII, having a similarly to another symbol.
      Good luck in your quest for answers!
      Be sure to update your post when you have information so we all get informed. :^)
    2. keramikos, 2 years ago
      lambertkh, You couldn't get better advice about your quilt than what Watchsearcher is giving you. :-)

      Yes, I'd be very much surprised if this quilt isn't pre-WWII. That "whirling logs" image is actually very old (it goes back to the ancient Hindus), but the founders of the Third Reich co-opted it for their own nefarious purposes.
    3. CanyonRoad, 2 years ago
      The "armed cross" symbol has been used for thousands of years, by many cultures other than the Navajo.

      It has been found in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and is one of the oldest symbols, from pre-historic to modern times.

      The Navajo. and others, say that if the "arm" is pointing to the left, it is not the Natzi symbol. But some cultures made no distinction, and some people confused it, so both were often "banned" after its use by the Natzi.

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