Posted 2 years ago
(220 items)
An enormous amount of cloisonné has been produced in the course of time. So I have no illusions about neither rarity nor value for this 19 cm high flea market find. I paid the equivalent of USD 35 for it. But I think the color combination is good and small inaccuracies and small signs of wear and tear on the rims shows that it's not completely new. Maybe from some time in the 20th century. You tell me ?
vintage not made with the cloisonne technique but with a method known as champleve. The difference being that in cloisonne the enamels are enclosed by applied wires whereas in champleve the solid surface is either carved, etched or cast to form hollows that are then filled with enamel and fired.
Many thanks for the answer. The enamels are in fact enclosed by wires. I've uploaded a - hopefully - better photo. Any idea of a more precise dating ?
i think despite the discoloration it is chinese , and not interbellum or peribellum , so give or take 1950-1970
Thanks again. I'll make a note about that on the vase's facts sheet. Everything of at least some interest in my collection has a facts sheet.