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Asian(Chinese?) Butterfly teapot

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (65 items)

    Small, approximately 5 1/2" tall and 2" across top(depth?) And 6 1/2" wide. Cute little knick-knack, going to root my philodendrin cuttings in it. No makers mark on it, I don't think its a very fine or old piece, would love to learn more! Thanks in advance for any help you could provide, even educated guesses are above my scope, so guess away!

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      Beautiful butterfly teapot, love the blend of blue colors
    2. Faith.k Faith.k, 2 years ago
      Thanks newfld! It's probably a mass produced piece, but ots the only one I've seen, except a couple online. I like the blue and white, it's soothing.
    3. keramikos, 2 years ago
      Hi, Faith.k. :-)

      Google Lens turned up a near twin described as an antique:


      Vintage from the 1920s

      Butterfly shaped porcelain teapot


      That one has a chop on the bottom.

      Yours could well be a more modern reproduction of the one at etsy.

      Of course, I don't know how reliable the description of the etsy teapot is. Neither do I know what the chop means.

      Perhaps apostata will weigh in with his considerable expertise.
    4. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      Lets start with the etsy , because wrongly impressed with the chinese symbols ,
      don,t matter how many symbols you see , you just take the NON COMMON DENOMINATOR, you can all the plethora of symbols.

      if you slopy you might think we, could in be in GUANGHU, but right under we got a better NON COMMON DENOMINATOR (out of two , the symbol right under which looks like a master key)

      normally you got 6 symbols , now we got 4 ( the da qing is out this means Qianlong nian zhi , actually they almost not exist during 1739-1795 otherwise you could be be drinking fancy whiskey in bel air ( los angelos) the rest of your life

      We could this type of mark ( 4 character abreviated qianlong in the 1920, but IMO this way it is an not solid extrapolation ) IMO it is much later

      you got them what they call dense enameled they call slow movers ( the enameling = good stuffin)in chinese because it takes along to toughen up the enameling the mark, and youget a sense of front relief of the mark

      the other possibility is is a square mark double closed frame , but the mark is sloppy and and the intersection of the frotte is sloppy so, it is probably much later

      i got also trouble with the mark being sloppy

      this is a mould , bulk ware, so we get a lot of value dilution

      IMO they are both quite new something 1970

      please take a CHING DYNASTY MARKS , believe me it aint hard

    5. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      forget ALL the plethora of symbols , just remember the non common denominator !!!!!
    6. keramikos, 2 years ago
      apostata, Thanks for looking at this, and offering a detailed opinion. :-)

      Even if I knew anything about Ching Dynasty marks, that picture of the marks at the etsy listing was pretty craptastic.

      One should be careful about imbibing liquor, otherwise one could end up like Gregory Peck's character in "Designing Woman" (1957).

      He wakes up at the Beverly Hills Hotel with a terrible hangover, goes out to the pool area, and everything looks to him like a color film negative. };-)
    7. Faith.k Faith.k, 2 years ago
      Thanks for the loves everyone, and especially the details and links! It's pretty much what I thought it was, but still a fun, whimsical little pot, looks cute in my kitchen window!
    8. keramikos, 2 years ago
      Faith.k, That's the main thing: you like it. :-)
    9. keramikos, 2 years ago
      Oh, and the scene from 1957's "Designing Woman" wherein Gregory Peck's hungover character sees a nightmarish version of the Beverly Hills Hotel's pool area?

      I couldn't find a still of it, but if you convert the picture of Bacall and Peck sitting at a poolside table at this site, you'll get the general idea:

      Taking a dip in a pool that looks like somebody bled to death in it is...not an appealing prospect. >8-0
    10. apostata apostata, 2 years ago

      a gloom devours the nocturnal fog
      anxious like a ferocious dog
      fear looms over with every swallow
      drowning time my brain gets hollow

      i fight my course but don,t know how
      like Creutzfeldt Jacobs has struck the cow
      where catfish lacks fins and ladyburgs wings
      just waiting until the fat lady sings

      Waki -De Cruquiushoeve- cy
    11. Faith.k Faith.k, 2 years ago
      Waxing poetic, Apostata! Made my night!

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