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Bottle Opener Lot

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Bottle Openers1 of 252My Bottle OpenersVintage Green Handle Wine Bottle Opener
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (845 items)

    Bottle Opener Lot

    You know I can't pass the chance to buy some bottle openers if I come across them. I picked up this lot recently. They need to be cleaned and polished up, but in my experience this will be mo issue.

    There's four wire openers that are unmarked. One wire opener is Miller High Life Beer. One wire opener has a handle with a picture of the Municipal Auditorium St Louis, Mo. There's two church key is an Ecko and the other is a Vanderbilt with a magnet. There's one church key opener that is a Chevrolet- Cadillac dealer advertisement giveaway...note the old style phone number.

    Two are Jim Beam opener/Caps. Not sure why? Did Jim Beam have bottle caps or is this for your chaser beer/soda?

    And finally two butterfly is an Ecko Miracle Roll 881(I've shown one before) and the other is a Vaughan Safety Roll.

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    1. Coloradogigi, 2 years ago
      Fun. I don't collect bottle openers, but I have a few from my father's little corner grocery store.

      Ballantine's, Rheingold (whose jingle I can still sing to this day), and a Narragansett shaped like a bottle. I'd share a photo but don't see a way to do that.
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      Thanks can't share pictures. Only way is to create your own post.

      Here's a few interesting openers I've posted..

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