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Set of six silver plated Scouting tea spoons

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Recent Activity22 of 280Saturday Evening Scout Post Boys Life September 1965 Saturday Evening Scout Post Boy Scout Appreciation Plaque 1959
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (97 items)

    A boxed set of 6 tea spoons all with a Scouts fleur-de-lis logo on the top. Silver plated. Unsure of date but 60s or 70s seems like a reasonable guess. Most likely intended as a gift for a scoutmaster after a long amount of service, or as a leaving gift.

    An alternative design also exists with a wolf cub logo finial instead of the fleur-de-lis, which I actually prefer. (picture4) but I don't have those ones yet.

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    1. fortapache fortapache, 2 years ago
      That is the most elegant scout item I have seen.

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