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A Colorful Captivating Carnival Caravan of MB 23s

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BHIFOS's loves1748 of 4973Joseph Morel "Garland" Paperweight /Zellique Studios / Benicia CA. 1995Toilet Bowl Praying Mantis
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    Posted 1 year ago

    (3474 items)

    I had one more MB 23 to add which is the MB 23D Volkswagen Camper Van. It is a Superfast model and it is a bit more colorful than the others. I don't think cars were actually painted that color until recently. Better than battleship gray. But that one model released in 1970 shows the difference between 1970 and the earlier years.
    As you can see the caravanners are all pulling out. And there is another group of colorful cars pulling on them.

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    1. elanski elanski, 1 year ago
      Knowing my luck I'd get stuck behind the lot of them on the road.
    2. fortapache fortapache, 1 year ago
      Thank you very much elanski. I fear that is quite common.

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