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Welz frit vase with iridized lavender

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    Posted 1 year ago

    (23 items)

    I bought this vase several years ago. It is yellow glass with the lavender iridized frit, handles, and drip. I almost did not buy it because of the pulled down drips. When I first looked at it, it appeared to have a problem at the top. It almost looked like there was a crack and dirt got under the glass. On closer examination in sunlight, I could then see that the gather for the top was put on over the frit melting most of it unevenly thus causing the lavender glass to look darker in spots. When held in the sunlight you can still see where the frit was. It appears that when it was applied to the hot glass some of it was pushed into the vase a little thus making small indentations and creating an air pocket which was later covered by the gather. Kind of like the way controlled bubbles are done. other pieces were stretched when the drips were pulled down. Only one spot on the vase did not melt completely and left a bump in the smooth top. What I would like to know is if this was done intentionally or kind of an experimental piece? Will probably never know. It is a little over 8 inches 21 cm tall, 3 inches 7.6 cm across the top, and about 4 inches across the bottom.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 1 year ago
      Many thanks JIMTIM !!!!

      I will have to add mine too !!!!

      I am sure WELZEBUB will give you his view. It’s a STUNNER !!!!
    2. IronLace IronLace, 1 year ago
      Thanks so much for posting this fantastic vase, jimtim, it's super cool!
      The drips & handles are just amazing...
    3. sklo42 sklo42, 1 year ago
      Exceptional, shape and decor!
    4. welzebub welzebub, 1 year ago
      Great find... This decor, which is found in very limited numbers, is one that seems to have a number of cosmetic "issues". We will likely never really know if these things were intentional, or the result of experimentation with the decor and finishes. This decor is certainly one of Welz's more aesthetically distinctive ones.

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