Posted 1 year ago
(3485 items)
The infamous 10 2 4 Dr Pepper bottle. In the long ago Dr Pepper passed itself off as health food as the body needed a jolt of sugar now and then. Now and then would be at 10am, 2pm an 4pm. Actually it doesn't seem all that unreasonable. Get a jolt of caffeine every few hours. It is just a 10 oz bottle. You may note the 10 2 4 are arranged as they would be on a clock.
Note sure when this bottle was made. Had to be some time before the 12 oz bottle was standardized. Also 10 2 4 was over by the 1970s
Sorry the photos are not the best. Trying out a new background.
what a nice display of the set
10 2 4—-Great bottles ,,,what is Brownie? Like a YooHoo ?
Thank you very much Falcon. Looks like 60s.
Thank you very much kivaninitz.
Thank you very much Vynil. It was a chocolate drink.