Posted 1 year ago
(843 items)
Two Chinese Cricket Cages
I think I'm finally caught up on posting for now. My sister picked these up at the estate sale we went to last week. At first we were confused what they were. I was guessing a scroll holder. After we got the caps off it became clear that they were cricket cages.
I asked Waki to take a look. He said they are not too old and probably made after 1949.
What a unique find! I would never have guessed what these were. Learned something new!!
Thanks Scott. They make several different versions depending on their use. These were more for transporting to listen to them chirp. Other styles have a divided chamber and are meant for fighting crickets.
When I was in Nam I asked a Vietnamese Baby Son why he pulled their legs off before eating them he said they get stuck in his throat if he didn't. They Loved them as pets and kept them in bamboo cages.
Stuff - Lol
Interesting conversation pieces for sure! I’m glad I read the comments. I thought it had something to do with the game of cricket… So people would keep them in these until they ate them? Huge “yuck” from me! They are attractive items
Just wanted to add, I’ve never seen a fighting cricket.. the only ones we have here I think are hiding crickets. You can search for one in your house for many days until you track it down.