Posted 1 year ago
(3478 items)
Cars from the 1950s that are not Chevies are not easy to find but I found a few. I could probably do three posts of tri-5 Chevies. In the meantime........
Starting off with a past the 1956 Packard 400Granda marquee. Note these are from later half of the 50s. There was a drastic change around 1955 in style.
Next is an Oldsmobile. It may have been your father's Oldsmobile.
The #3 is a 1957 Pontiac Star Chief Safari Wagon.
Wrapping it up is a Plymouth. Always good to see a Chrysler product.
Cars were actually attractive back then!
Ultra cool classic cars and your pix are great
red and white wagon looks to be a Pontiac Star Chief
Thank you very much Watchsearcher. Yes they were.
Thank you very kindly Newfld.
Thank you very much TallCakes. Correction made.
zooming in on the plate frame of the first image... that looks to be a 1956 Packard 400
Thank you very much TallCakes it is fixed.