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Two lane blacktoping in Stella the 1935 Ford Cabriolet

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Lady_Picker's loves48 of 1730Stella getting a new set of Firestone tires today Savannah is getting a new set of Firestone tires today
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    Posted 1 year ago

    (677 items)

    Today in Indiana we were blessed to have a beautiful sunny warm fall day. I took advantage of the weather and drove a little over 80 miles in my 1935 Ford Cabriolet name Stella. I left Brownsburg, Indiana and drove through Avon, Plainfield, Mooresville, Bargersville, Franklin and Whiteland. Stopped in Whiteland and took a photo of my friends 1936 Ford and all the porcelain signs standing for everyone to see when driving by. Then on back to Mooresville. Stopped and had lunch at Gray Brothers Cafeteria and on back through Plainfield, Avon and back home in Brownsburg. Stella never missed a beat. 88 years old with the original flat head and she’s still on the road running good. I love that old 1935 Ford!



    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Sounds like a fun filled day!!

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